Things to think about before you start for yourself

More and more people are interested in running their own business. It is a gratifying development that testifies to a vibrant business community and that many Norwegians have entrepreneurial ambitions. But with your own business also comes a great responsibility and new trials. In order to get as good a starting point as possible, there are a few things you should consider. Härger Johan Stenius, operations manager at Nyföretagarcentrum Järfälla Upplands-Bro ochSigtuna, gives you an insight into things you should think about before you start for yourself.

Thorough preparation guarantees long-term success

A business does not take place in a vacuum and before you start you should look closely at your world and how your business idea relates to it. According to Johan, it will be best if you have a dynamic view of your business:

"Creating a business plan, identifying a USP * and performing a SWOT analysis * will benefit you in the long run, especially if you evaluate them continuously. With a SWOT analysis, you can, for example, distinguish between weaknesses and strengths, which also makes it possible to deal with them.How can I take advantage of my strengths? How do external threats affect my weaknesses? How can I turn a weakness into a strength? The business plan and budget are important tools to be able to follow up on what you have thought or planned. ”

It is also important to abandon the notion that one should manage oneself only because one is independent. This applies to both the short and long term:

"Many people have a very romantic image of running their own business, but that is not always the case. Release any prestige and get help from an acquaintance, us at Frilans Finans or another agency you feel comfortable with if you encounter problems. "


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The importance of changing perspective

In business economics, people sometimes talk about "marketing myopia" to describe the usual decline companies make when they are based on what is closest to them - their product - rather the individual customer's needs. In a similar way, Johan emphasizes the importance of moving away from his own "myopia" and changing perspectives:

"It is important that you constantly change perspectives and challenge your own perceptions. What does the market need? What needs do my customers have? These are questions you should ask, but it also requires you to look beyond. To succeed in this, a persistent mindset is required, where you constantly remind yourself to think about how the recipient wants things ”

Structure important for a healthy balance between work and private life

The basis for a sustainable working life is a good balance between work and leisure. But for those who run their own business, that balance can be made more difficult by the fact that work and leisure flow together. Routines and clear boundaries are therefore particularly important:

"Setting boundaries and routines is one thing, but compliance with them is usually much more difficult. Do not answer the mail at eleven o'clock in the evening, take a proper lunch break or whatever you now choose to facilitate structure. Then it is important to confirm the positive as well, because in many ways it is fantastic to own your time. For example, if you want to follow your daughter's school trip on a Friday morning, you usually have the option to move your job to Sunday when you have time instead. ”

Structure important for a healthy balance between work and private life

The basis for a sustainable working life is a good balance between work and leisure. But for those who run their own business, that balance can be made more difficult by the fact that work and leisure flow together. Routines and clear boundaries are therefore particularly important:

"Setting boundaries and routines is one thing, but compliance with them is usually much more difficult. Do not answer the mail at eleven o'clock in the evening, take a proper lunch break or whatever you now choose to facilitate structure. Then it is important to confirm the positive as well, because in many ways it is fantastic to own your time. For example, if you want to follow your daughter's school trip on a Friday morning, you usually have the option to move your job to Sunday when you have time instead. ” Create the conditions to dare to take the plunge

People tend to be differently exposed to risk and have different needs for what is required for one to dare to take the step. But the fear of making mistakes paralyzes many who are in the starting blocks.

“Many people feel a strong fear of making mistakes. But what if Haaland had believed it? If he shoots 1000 shots, probably not even he will put them all. Sometimes you simply miss the mark. But making mistakes is a natural, sometimes even enriching, part of testing your wings. I like to analyze why it went wrong and adjust the business idea, the offer or whatever it may be that did not go well. "

A lot is also about creating conditions based on your own needs.

"Lower the threshold for yourself and find ways to work around your particular worries. Maybe self-employment, where you avoid business risk, can be a way to venture? You will mature over time, but in the beginning it's a lot about removing obstacles."

To maneuver risks and also calm worries over time, Johan emphasizes the value of not putting all the eggs in one basket:

«Make sure you find new assignments continuously and do not become too dependent on a customer. And remember that you sell best when you have a lot to do. Self-esteem tends to shine through. "


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Johan's five questions for you who are thinking of starting for yourself:

What - What are you going to sell?

Who - Who will buy your product?

Which - Which need do I cover?

How - How do I proceed?

When - When should it happen given external factors and other factors?

 * USP: Unique selling proposition, the unique characteristics that characterize an offer, service or product.

* SWOT analysis: Analysis based on: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.