
Frilans Finans - An organisation for umbrella contractors

Administrasjonen, også kalt Klientstøtte, er hjertet i virksomheten vår som streber etter å gi våre egenansatte råd og støtte for at de skal kunne drive og utvikle sine virksomheter. For å bidra med best mulig støtte, har våre medarbeidere stor kunnskap innenfor områder som f.eks. fradrag og lønn.

Vi kan kommunisere med våre egenansatte på syv ulike språk. Vi liker utfordringer og å løse problemer. Det er en god og varm stemning i gruppen, og vi er sjeldent langt fra en latter. Vi bryr oss om hverandre og våre egenansatte, og det skal være morsomt å arbeide.

IT-avdelingen står for både utvikling og vedlikehold av alle systemer og verktøy, deriblant fakturaverktøyet som våre egenansatte bruker for å lage fakturaer på en enkel og trygg måte. Vi streber etter å tilby de beste og enkleste tekniske løsningene for den som vil arbeide som egenansatt. Samarbeid med IT er en nøkkel for å kunne hjelpe andre avdelinger i selskapet. Vi har ulik bakgrunn, erfaring og spesialkompetanse, men en stor felles interesse for teknologii.

The main goal of marketing is to create awareness and generate interest in Freelance Finance and umbrella contracting. The Ministry of Finance is a small team that works closely with each other. What is special about the finance department is that they manage accounts in many different professions.

Stephen Schad, CEO Group

+46 722-40 36 05


Anders Stenberg, CEO Norway

+47 468 76 607


Marcus Jonsson, CMO

+46 705-13 66 48


Work with us

We are an organization of 40 people whose culture is permeated by the desire to help each other and our umbrella contractors. We get energy from our umbrella contractors and the benefits our business creates, for them and for society. Take a look at our vacancies or send us an open application.

We believe in people's ability to create.

We know that we humans find this creation both fun and inspiring and enriching. Therefore we´re commissioned to create good conditions for the creation by making it possible for people to easily and safely get power (control) over their own work.

Power is a word that may sound hard. But what we mean is, for example, that from the profits which generates from your work, you should get a fair share. We also believe that you should have the right to participate in the planning and deciding in with what you will work and how your work will be performed.

Stephen Schad, CEO

Stephen Schad had an artist agency company.

Stephen had won their confidence by having good control of taxes and administration. Some musicians and artists asked Stephen if he, with some percentage of the fee, also could help them with their administration. Stephen jumped at the proposal, and the first umbrella contractor deal was made.

Eventually, the organization changed its name to Frilans Finans and the number of umbrella contractors grew to thousands. Today, more than 50 000 people in all types of industries have an account with Frilans Finans. But the purpose of the business is still the same as in the beginning; making it possible for the umbrella contractors to use their creativity and energy to what you want and are good at, and avoid thinking about management, taxes, debt collection and insurance.

Some numbers

Full time employees:

Account holders: Around 55 000 (2018)

Sent invoices:

Number of professions:

Countries that our umbrella contractors invoiced from (2016): 16 (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Thailand, Spain, United States, Malaysia, Ghana)